Forecasting is all about making
Meaningful Decisions now!
Accurate forecasting helps you reduce unnecessary risk in growing your airline, building your schedule and evaluating new routes, avoid missing potential opportunities and manage your cash flow, for ultimately Expand your World, profitably!
Advanced Forecasting
Our Forecasting module gives you insight into your airline’s market health and provide you with an opportunity to course-correct or make adjustments. You are able to anticipate demand fluctuations more effectively and accurately.
Let’s face it: it’s hard to predict the future. But our forecasting module uses 6 concurrent methods, integrate industry previsions from IATA, ICAO, ACI and aircraft manufacturers, and get 30 macroeconomic advanced indicators.100% accurate, no, but getting closer!
Success in business, to a great extent, depends upon correct predictions about the future. Systematic forecasting ensures smooth and continuous optimization of your schedule, fleet and network plan, and Pricing strategy!
We are the only application providing you with 6 concurrent models, auto calibrated by our Artificial Intelligence algorithms to greatly improve the quality of our forecasts, from next month up to the next 30 years!
Triangulated Route Planning and Market Forecasting is the way for success! In its simplest form, Triangulation means using more than one research discipline/methodology in order to eliminate as much bias as possible.
Marketing and promotions are important at all times! Using our forecasting, you can estimate your revenue for different points during the year and decide which scheduling tactics and what price should be targeted!
One main advantage of Predictive Mobility’s forecast models, using diffusions index, is their ability to use the information from up to thirty macroeconomic time series from 2000 and updated regularly!
Our prevision module AIR.Plus! enables forecast adjustments in a collaborative manner, whether the objective is to exclude a specific period during a crisis, or to smooth the traffic and revenue curves for its recovery.
Everytime a forecast is run, the results are compared with our newly uploaded post departure traffic, capacity, and revenue data, supporting a deep learning adjustment process and calibration of our forecasting models;