Big data, Smartphone apps, Environmental impact : those are some of the drivers for tomorrow’s multimodal and intermodal transport networks.
As a specialist in big data for transport modelling, Milanamos is at the center of the multimodal revolution.
So we’d like to canvas opinions from leading players in the world of transport. If you’ve got an opinion to share and five minutes to spare, we’d love to learn your views on the future of multimodal.
Multimodal Survey. Get Our Free White Paper.
In return for your participation we’ll email you a free copy of our white paper titled: “Collaborative multi-modal planning : The New paradigm for the sustainable profitability of the transport industry.”
There are three versions of the online questionnaire. Please click on the one that is most appropriate for you:
Version 1.
Airport perspective
Version 2.
Version 3.
Thanks in advance for helping us to focus on the big picture of multimodal and intermodal transport networks.